What genius hour and passion is to me.

Genius hours is a time where kids in cheetah time get to make something with there creativity from a to a full working robot. This helps people in school because it gives them a time to not focus more on the academics and think about their imagination.
Passion is when someone’s determined to create something that may take along time to create. Or when they stick something that may not be going well. That what passion is to me.

Surviving the Applewhites

I did not like the first few chapters of this book because (1); it includes drugs (2); it introduced characters way to fast and all bunched in, and (3) I have know clue what is going on. First I do not think this is appropriate for school with it including drugs and burning down schools because it’s not setting a good mindset or example. Second of all they introduced characters way to fast and almost all on the same page they introduced the characters. Finally I have no clue what’s going on. It seemed to me that they went form trying to find a boy to E.D. eating a bowl of mini wheats.  Those are some of the few reasons why I do not like this book so far.